Lenme Side Nav


Redesigning Profile Settings

My role

  • UX design: Wireframing, Prototyping

  • UI design+ Iterations

Project context

  • User research, ideation, end-to-end prototype, design fidelity assurance


  • Lenme

Defining The Problem

Why Redesign?

The app faces several issues that need to be addressed. Firstly, there is redundant information displayed on the home page, leading to confusion and inefficiency for users. This problem must be resolved to improve usability and organize information effectively. Secondly, the app lacks sufficient accessibility features, preventing users with diverse needs from accessing it easily. Ensuring inclusivity and equal access for all users is crucial. Additionally, there have been occurrences of accidental logouts, disrupting user sessions. To enhance the user experience, thoughtful button placement and design should be implemented to minimize accidental logouts. Lastly, the high color contrast of the "Switch to Borrower (Investor)" button is visually overwhelming and disrupts the overall aesthetic. Adjusting the contrast will create a visually pleasing interface without compromising clarity and user experience.


Addressing these problems will enhance the app's functionality, improve user experience, and align it with best practices in design and accessibility. By focusing on streamlining information display, enhancing accessibility features, minimizing accidental logouts, and optimizing color contrast, we can elevate the overall quality and usability of our app.


What is the current experience look like?

  1. Insufficient Accessibility Features: The app lacks necessary accessibility options, limiting inclusivity for users with diverse needs. Enhancing accessibility features is crucial to ensure equal access and promote user inclusivity.

  2. Accidental Logout Occurrences: Users unintentionally click the logout button, leading to disruptions in their sessions. Minimizing accidental logouts through thoughtful button placement and design is necessary for a seamless user experience.

  3. Excessive Color Contrast for "Switch to Borrower (Investor)" Button: The high color contrast of the "Switch to Borrower (Investor)" button overwhelms the visual interface and detracts from the overall aesthetic. Adjusting the contrast will create a visually pleasing interface while maintaining clarity and a harmonious user experience.


Competitive Analysis

As part of our market research, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of popular apps such as Uber, Venmo, and Lyft to gain insights into their side menu organization and overall user experience. Our objective was to examine how other companies approach and optimize the side menu experience for their users.
The observation across these apps was that they had a clean and intuitive navigation bar, prioritizing accessibility and a minimalist design. Many of these apps did not include the "log out" option in their side menus, opting for alternative methods to minimize accidental logouts. The analysis of popular apps aimed to uncover insights and best practices for our own app's side menu organization. By incorporating consistency and user-friendliness observed in these apps, we can enhance our app's navigation and provide a seamless user experience. This competitive analysis helps us optimize our app's side menu to align with industry standards and enhance user satisfaction.


To undertake the redesign of the Lenme Setting page, the initial step involved creating a new flow to enhance its overall functionality and user experience. This process entailed careful analysis and planning to ensure a seamless and intuitive navigation system within the setting page.

By strategically mapping out the user journey and considering key user interactions, I developed a refined flow that optimizes the accessibility and discoverability of various settings options. This approach aimed to streamline the user experience, allowing users to effortlessly navigate and customize their preferences within the app.


Proposed Design

Panel-based profile settings provide structured organization and clarity for users. They group related settings, making it easy to locate and modify options without overwhelming the user. Panels establish visual hierarchy, enabling quick navigation and reducing cognitive load. Interactive elements like tabs or accordions facilitate seamless navigation between panels, enhancing user-friendliness. Customization options cater to individual preferences, granting users greater control. These panels align with established design patterns, improving usability and familiarity.


We tried to present profile settings in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that users can easily understand and modify their preferences.

Edit Address

When accessing the “Edit Address” feature, users are presented with a user-friendly interface that prompts them to enter their new address information. The interface includes fields for inputting the street address, city, state, and postal code.

Edit Password

It ensures that users have a simple and convenient way to update their passwords, enabling them to maintain the security of their accounts and protect their financial information. We require users to have password strength requirement. Therefore, users can create strong and complex passwords that are less susceptible to being compromised.


Manage Subscription - Change Subscription (Borrowers only)

Our app recently introduced a new user experience by incorporating a "Manage Subscription" feature. This addition aims to provide our users with greater control and flexibility over their subscriptions. "Manage Subscription" feature, providing users with greater control and flexibility over their subscriptions. Within this section, users can effortlessly change or cancel their subscription plans, switching between monthly or yearly durations based on their preferences. This empowers users to make changes easily without the need for customer support or complex processes. We prioritize user convenience and adaptability by offering this enhanced subscription management feature, fostering a sense of autonomy and personalization. Users can tailor their subscription plans to meet their evolving needs, resulting in higher satisfaction and a seamless app experience.


Deactivate account

We have incorporated a “Deactivate Account” feature in our app in response to user feedback. This addition was driven by the expressed needs and preferences of our users, highlighting the importance of providing them with the ability to deactivate their accounts as per their individual choices and requirements. The design provides a clear and transparent process for deactivating an account. Deactivation steps are clearly outlined.

What I learned from this project

The new profile settings prioritize user needs and preferences, enhancing their experience and providing intuitive navigation. Effective information organization improves clarity and accessibility using panels or visual elements. Clear visual hierarchy aids users in quickly accessing specific settings, reducing cognitive load. Offering flexibility and customization options, such as changing subscription durations, accommodates user preferences. Maintaining consistency with established design patterns promotes familiarity and reduces the learning curve. Overall, these insights inform future design decisions for a user-friendly and intuitive app experience.